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sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Network Centric Warfare.

Network Centric Warfare es considerado como la base del nuevo pensamiento militar para los conflictos interestatales del futuro. Aun en discusion, este mismo ha influenciado la doctrina de muchas Fuerzas Armadas alrededor del mundo, el ejemplo mas claro siendo EEUU. Aca les dejo un extracto de Network Centric Warfare: Background and
Oversight Issues for Congress donde define Network Centric Warfare.

The network centric approach to warfare is the military embodiment of
information age concepts. Studies3 have shown that networking enables forces to
undertake a different range of missions than non-networked forces, by improving both
efficiency and effectiveness of operations. NCW uses computers and communications
to link people through information flows that depend on the interoperability of
systems used by all U.S. armed forces. NCW involves collaboration and sharing of
information to ensure that all appropriate assets can be quickly brought to bear by
commanders during combat operations.4 Procurement policy to support NCW is also
intended to improve economic efficiency by eliminating stove-pipe systems, parochial
interests, redundant and non-interoperable systems, and by optimizing capital planning
investments for present and future information technology systems. Objectives of
NCW include the following:
(1) Self-synchronization, or doing what needs to be done without traditional orders;
(2) Improved understanding of higher command’s intent;
(3) Improved understanding of the operational situation at all levels of command;
(4) Increased ability to tap into the collective knowledge of all U.S. (and coalition)
forces to reduce the “fog and friction” commonly referred to in descriptions of
DOD describes its strategy for implementing NCW in a publication titled,
“Network Centric Warfare: Creating a Decisive Warfighting Advantage,” released in
January 2004 by the Office of Force Transformation. Key elements for
implementation include the following:
(1) Refine the rules and theory of NCW through simulation, testing,
experimentation, and combat experience.
(2) Apply NCW theory enterprise-wide in DOD.
(3) Accelerate networking in the joint force.
(4) Accelerate deployment of network centric concepts and capabilities.
(5) Experiment with network centric concepts to develop new ways to conduct
(6) Address challenges of using NCW with coalition forces.
(7) Develop appropriate doctrine and tactics for NCW.
Some argue that, as new concepts and technologies are proven valid over time,
NCW may extend to become a stabilizing deterrence against future conflict. For
example, if adversary targets are neutralized by NCW systems before they can engage
in fighting with U.S. forces, then the battle can be finished before it has really begun.6
Others argue that wealthy countries now have a temporary advantage which may be
reduced as NCW technology becomes less expensive and as technical knowledge
spreads to other nations and terrorist groups.7 Some argue that to maintain its
advantage, the United States must continue to refine the uses of technology to increase
flexibility and adaptability for both joint and coalition NCW operations.

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